FRESH is an acronym that stands for: Food, Relaxation, Exercise, Sleep and Happiness--the "FRESH 5" ingredients in your recipe to health. Inspired by Dr. Robert Graham of FRESH Medicine, a Harvard physician-supervised integrative medical practice in NYC that combines the best of conventional medicine, including medications, diagnostic testing, tools and technologies, with evidence-based complementary therapies, clinical nutrition, functional medicine, positive psychology and health coaching. When it comes to healthcare, it's time for a FRESH start.

FRESH MED U, created by Dr. Robert and Julie Graham, is the ultimate self-care model that puts you in control of your health. Our comprehensive wellness programs are designed to inform and educate students to learn about the art and science of the "FRESH 5" to strengthen their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health & fitness–from home, or on-the-go, and at their own pace. It is designed to help students set FRESH goals to help build a solid and healthy foundation to prevent illness, reverse chronic conditions and optimize good health.

It's simple: We spell FRESH, and you track your FRESH goals, one letter at a time. It's time for a FRESH "recipe" to health! FRESH MED U allows people to learn remotely, on their own time, using their intrinsic motivation in order to achieve their FRESH goals and live healthier and happier lives. We offer a "Certified FRESH" Certificate of Completion at the end of "The FRESH 5 Integrative Health & Wellness Program."

For Individuals: Our FRESH MED U programs offer you an exclusive and private FRESH MED U login and account that will include: Scientific research and knowledge; diagnostic tools; your own FRESH Success Journal for goal setting and tracking; video presentations of our live talks; downloadable access to our PowerPoints; lesson plans; videos; gifs; quizzes; handouts; as well as an opportunity to "play along" with the group in the comments section, or to have total anonymity.

For Companies: We can customize a FRESH MED U program with your company's logo, mission statement and can incorporate company-specific information. We offer our corporate wellness clients and larger companies weekly analytics and direct feedback on engagement, quiz scores, performance, leaderboards--and we can give you the option of either keeping user participation confidential, or we can "gamefy" learning with some healthy competition.

Robert Graham, MD, MPH, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer, also a trained Chef, was "sick" of the current medical model of a "pill for an ill." Dr. Graham created and prescribes the "FRESH 5" for health and healing and has witnessed many patients get off their medications and live happier, more fulfilling lives.

Julie Graham, Co-Founder and CEO, is a Certified Health Coach, a 500-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher, Positive Psychology Practitioner and is certified in Meditation and Aromatherapy. Julie helps clients set FRESH goals and offers a more holistic approach to support the whole person: body, mind and spirit.

Dr. Robert and Julie Graham, along with their team of "Pro-FRESH-ionals," provide both the "art and science" of FRESH Medicine. For more information about all things FRESH click here. We are so excited for you to "Get with the Pro-Graham"!


Dr. Robert & Julie Graham

What Is FRESH Medicine?

FMU Explainer Animated Video: Learn more about FRESH Medicine & The "FRESH 5"