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The FRESH 5 Integrative Health & Wellness 26-Week Program
"The FRESH Five" Week 1
FRESH Week 1: What and Who is FRESH MED U? (3:41)
"The Doc Dishes" by Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Red Flag Warning Signs
FRESH Week 1: Welcome To Your FRESH Start! (1:14)
Why Monday? (1:24)
Dr. Graham's TEDxManhattan Talk/FareWellness
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" by Julie Graham. Letter A (2:32)
"The FRESH Five" Newsletter: Week 1
Video: "Introduction To FRESH Medicine" Live Talk
Dr. Robert & Julie Graham's "Intro to FRESH Med" Video & Video Segments
The FRESH Success Journal!
FRESH For Success!
The FRESH Success Journal Pages & Instructions For Use
"The FRESH Five" Week 2
FRESH Week 2: It's All About "U"! (2:59)
Happy Monday! The Late, Great Sid Lerner
"The Doc Dishes" by Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Know Your Numbers! (2:28)
FRESH Food: Dr. Rob's 21 Food Rules 1-7 (2:21)
FRESH Relaxation: The Relaxation Response (6:30)
FRESH Exercise: Your Target Heart Rate (4:11)
FRESH Sleep: Your Chronotype (2:38)
FRESH Happiness: VIA Character Strengths (1:54)
"Positively Psyched: "The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter B (3:06)
"The FRESH Five" Newsletter: Week 2 (3:07)
"The FRESH Five" Week 3
FRESH Week 3: FRESH MED Logo Explained!
Monday Re-FRESH! The Monday Campaigns (1:56)
"The Doc Dishes" by Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Blood Testing Panels (5:02)
FRESH Food: Dr. Rob's 21 Food Rules 8-14 (4:39)
FRESH Relaxation: Common Types of Meditation Part 1 (4:46)
FRESH Exercise: Move it Monday! (1:45)
FRESH Sleep: The Rhythm of The Night (2:44)
FRESH Happiness: Changing Mindsets (3:08)
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter C (2:09)
"The FRESH Five" Newsletter: Week 3
"The FRESH Five" Week 4
FRESH Week 4: How To Book Appointments with Dr. Rob & Julie
Monday Re-FRESH: DeStress Monday! (3:29)
"The Doc Dishes" by Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: What is Integrative Medicine? (5:13)
FRESH Food: Dr. Rob's 21 Food Rules 15-21 (2:49)
FRESH Relaxation: Meditation 101/Common Types Of Meditation Part 2 (5:07)
FRESH Exercise: Goal Setting/Exercise Trackers (4:15)
FRESH Sleep: Sleep Cycles/How To Track Your Zzz's (4:17)
FRESH Happiness: The Happiness Formula (5:45)
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter D (3:43)
The "FRESH Five" Newsletter: Week 4
Re-FRESH-er's: "The FRESH Five"
"The FRESH Five": Summaries Weeks 1-4
Video "Food As Medicine" Live Talk
Dr. Robert & Julie Graham's "Food as Medicine": Video & Video Segments
FRESH: "Food As Medicine" Week 1
FRESH Week 5: Food, Oh, Food?
Meatless Monday: Take the Meatless Monday Pledge
"The Doc Dishes" Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Food as Medicine
Glorious Greens
Bountiful Beans
Eat the Rainbow
"Fare y Tales": Why Chef Dr. Rob Loves Ratatouille
FRESH-ipes: FRESH Vegetables Recipes
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter E
"FRESH: Food As Medicine" Newsletter Week 1
FRESH: "Food As Medicine" Week 2
FRESH Week 6: Stayin' FRESH
Food ... For Thought: Spread the Love!
Meatless Monday: Kids Cook Monday!
"The Doc Dishes" Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Hunter College NYC Food Policy Interviews
Great-ful Grains!
Chef Dr. Rob Gets Cookin': The Natural Gourmet's Dr. Annemarie Colbin (13:29)
"Fare y Tales": Julie's "Sacred Sunday Sauce" (0:57)
FRESH-ipes: FRESH Grain Recipes
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter F
"FRESH: Food As Medicine" Newsletter Week 2
FRESH: "Food As Medicine" Week 3
FRESH Week 7: Crushin' It! (0:48)
Food ... For Thought! Grow Green!
"The Doc Dishes" Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Food Tank Interview and Podcast
Meatless Monday: Plant Protein Power!
Protein Power!
Dairy Aware
Sugar: Not So Sweet!
FRESH-ipes: FRESH Recipes--The Healthy Eating Plate
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter G
"FRESH: Food As Medicine" Newsletter Week 3
FRESH "Food As Medicine" Week 4
FRESH Week 8: Fare Wellness
Food ... For Thought: Home Grown!
Meatless Monday: Gone Global
"The Doc Dishes" Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Go With Your Gut!
Go Nuts!
Go Organic!
Mindful Eating
FRESH-ipes: Chef Dr. Rob's and Meatless Monday FRESH Recipes!
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter H
FRESH: "Food As Medicine" Newsletter Week 4
FRESH "FOOD" Success Journal Pages
FRESH Food Diary/Weekly Food Tracker/Meal Planner/Shopping List
Re-FRESH-er's: "Food As Medicine"
"Food As Medicine": Summaries Weeks 5-8
Video: "Relaxation As Medicine" Live Talk
Dr. Robert & Julie Graham's "Relaxation As Medicine" Video and Video Segments
FRESH: "Relaxation As Medicine" Week 1
FRESH Week 9: Relaxation Nation!
DeStress Monday: Breathe With The Shape
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Chill Pill Rx
The Monkey Mind
The Sympathetic Nervous System: The Stress Response
The Parasympathetic Nervous System: The Relaxation Response
Why Mindfulness Is Your Superpower!
Beach Bliss: Blue's Hues (0:27)
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter I
FRESH: "Relaxation As Medicine" Newsletter Week 1
FRESH "Relaxation As Medicine" Week 2
FRESH Week 10: Relaxation in Motion (1:02)
Monday Re-FRESH: Red Balloon Guided Meditation by Julie Graham
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Your Brain on Stress (4:45)
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Your Brain On Meditation (11:07)
Mind Body Medicine
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness! Not Mind-Full Mess!
The Benefits of Meditation
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's Of Positive Psychology: Letter J
FRESH: "Relaxation As Medicine" Newsletter Week 2
FRESH "Relaxation As Medicine" Week 3
FRESH Week 11: FRESH Med-itation Station
DeStress Monday: Breathe From The Heart
Julie Graham: Just Another Mindful Monday
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: The Art & Science of Monotasking (1:30)
Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Loving-Kindness/Metta Meditation (4:10)
Julie's "Relaxation As Medicine" arOMatherapy FRESH-ipe
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter K
FRESH: "Relaxation As Medicine" Newsletter Week 3
FRESH "Relaxation As Medicine" Week 4
FRESH Week 12: Relaxation In The "OM" Stretch (1:27)
Happy DeStress Monday! Breathe in the Light!
Robert Graham MD, MPH: Relaxation Rx
Relaxation Ramble: Music Is Medicine (1:30)
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Body Scan Meditation
Guided Imagery Meditations
Relaxation Inspiration: More Ways To Find Your Way "OM"
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter L
FRESH: "Relaxation As Medicine" Newsletter Week 4
Re-FRESH-er's: "Relaxation As Medicine"
"Relaxation As Medicine" Summaries Weeks 9-12
Video "Exercise As Medicine" Live Talk
Dr. Robert & Julie Graham's "Exercise As Medicine" Video and Video Segments
Julie Graham's Chair Office Yoga Class
FRESH "Exercise As Medicine" Week 1
FRESH Week 13: Let's Get Physical! (1:21)
Move It Monday!
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: "Exercise As Medicine" Rx Part 1 (0:58)
Four Types of Exercise: S.M.A.R.T. Goals
ABC's of Exercise: Letter A
ABC's of Exercise: Letter B (0:24)
ABC's of Exercise: Letter C
ABC's of Exercise: Letter D
ABC's of Exercise Letter E
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter M
FRESH: "Exercise As Medicine" Newsletter Week 1
FRESH: "Exercise As Medicine" Week 2
FRESH Week 14: Movin' Right Along....
Move It Monday! The Monday Mile
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Exercise As Medicine Rx Part 2
ABC's of Exercise: Letter F
ABC's of Exercise: Letter G
ABC's of Exercise: Letter H
ABC's of Exercise: Letter I
ABC's of Exercise: Letter J
ABC's of Exercise: Letter K
ABC's of Exercise: Letter L
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter N
FRESH: "Exercise As Medicine" Newsletter Week 2
FRESH "Exercise As Medicine" Week 3
FRESH Week 15: We "Run" New York! (0:45)
Move it Monday: Mini Exercises
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: How To Fuel Your Workout
ABC's of Exercise: Letter M
ABC's of Exercise: Letter N
ABC's of Exercise: Letter O (0:13)
ABC's of Exercise: Letter P
ABC's of Exercise: Letter Q
ABC's of Exercise: Letter R
ABC's Of Exercise: Letter S (0:17)
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter O
FRESH: "Exercise As Medicine" Newsletter Week 3
FRESH "Exercise As Medicine" Week 4
FRESH Week 16: The Monday "Blues"!
Move It Monday! Small Steps & Chair Yoga
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: How To Live To Be 100!
ABC's of Exercise: Letter T
ABC's of Exercise: Letter U
ABC's of Exercise: Letter V
ABC's of Exercise: Letter W
ABC's of Exercise: Letter X
ABC's of Exercise: Letter Y
ABC's of Exercise: Letter Z
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter P
FRESH: "Exercise As Medicine" Newsletter Week 4
Re-FRESH-er's "Exercise As Medicine"
"Exercise As Medicine" Summaries Weeks 13-16
Video: "Sleep As Medicine" Live Talk
Dr. Robert & Julie Graham's "Sleep As Medicine": Video & Video Segments
FRESH "Sleep As Medicine" Week 1
FRESH Week 17: This Is Your Wake-Up Call!
Monday Morning Bed Yoga!
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: And To All A Good Night!
What Is Sleep & Why We Sleep
Circadian Rhythms Revisited
Healthy Sleep Habits
Sleeping Around The World
Sleep Quiz: The Science of Sleep/What Kind Of Sleeper Are You?
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter Q
FRESH: "Sleep As Medicine" Newsletter Week 1
FRESH "Sleep As Medicine" Week 2
FRESH Week 18: Rise & Shine!
Happy Mondayzzz....
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Does Your Sleep Hygiene Stink?
The Mystique Of Sleep
Sleep Cycles & Brainwaves
Your Chronotype Revisited
The Sleep Doctor
Sleep Quiz: Why You Need Your ZZZs
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter R
FRESH: "Sleep As Medicine" Newsletter Week 2
FRESH "Sleep As Medicine" Week 3
FRESH Week 19: No Sleep 'Till ... ?
Happy Monday: Get Some Shuteye!
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: When You Don't Snooze, You Lose!
Sleep Disorders: Types & Treatments
Sleep & Chronic Disease
Sleep & Mood
"The Sleep Revolution" by Arianna Huffington
Sleep Quiz: What's Wrecking Your Sleep?
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter S
FRESH: "Sleep As Medicine" Newsletter Week 3
FRESH "Sleep As Medicine" Week 4
FRESH Week 20: Dream On!
Monday Rules! Shake It Off
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Dream Big!
Dreams & Mental Health
Keep Dreaming....
Julie Graham's "Dream" ArOMatherapy Blend for Sleep
Sleep Apps For Zzz's
Sleep Quiz: What Do Your Dreams Say About You?
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" Letter T
FRESH: "Sleep As Medicine" Newsletter Week 4
Re-FRESH-er's: "Sleep As Medicine"
"Sleep As Medicine" Summaries Weeks 17-20
Video: "Happiness As Medicine" Live Talk
Dr. Robert & Julie Graham's "Happiness As Medicine": Video & Video Segments
FRESH "Happiness As Medicine" Week 1
FRESH Week 21: C'mon, Get Happy!
Happy Monday! Welcome To Your Happy Place!
Robert Graham, MD, MPH:" Your Happy "Pill"
What Is Positive Psychology?
The PERMA Model
VIA Character Strengths: Revisited
The Wheel Of Life: Revisited
Quiz: How Authetically Happy Are You?
"Positively Psyched: ABC's Of Positive Psychology" Letter U
FRESH: "Happiness As Medicine" Newsletter Week 1
FRESH "Happiness As Medicine" Week 2
FRESH Week 22: Happy Holidays!
Happy Monday: Express Gratitude!
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: The "Gift" Of Gratitude (0:43)
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Your Brain On Happiness
Ride The Waves Of Psychology
Flourish & Flow Glow!
Julie's "OM For The Holidays" ArOMatherapy Blend!
Quiz: How Grateful Are You?
"Positively Psyched: ABC's Of Positive Psychology" Letter V
FRESH: "Happiness As Medicine" Newsletter Week 2
FRESH "Happiness As Medicine" Week 3
FRESH Week 23: Don't Worry, Be Happy!
Enjoy The Little Things
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: But First, The Good News....
Chef Dr. Rob's FRESH Recipe for Luck & Success (0:15)
Who Do You Think You Are?
Kind Mind Games
Quiz: How Gritty Are You?
"Positively Psyched: ABC's Of Positive Psychology" Letter W
FRESH: "Happiness As Medicine" Newsletter Week 3
FRESH "Happiness As Medicine" Week 4
FRESH Week 24: Happy New Year!
Happy Monday: Re-FRESH Your Intentions!
Robert Graham, MD, MPH: Finding Your Meaning & Purpose
Set Your FRESH Intentions!
Happiness: What's LOVE Got To Do With It?
Julie's arOMatherapy for Happiness!
Get Happified! Happiness In Pictures
Quiz: What Are Your Approaches To Happiness?
"Positively Psyched: ABC's Of Positive Psychology" Letter X
FRESH: "Happiness As Medicine" Newsletter Week 4
Re-FRESH-er's: "Happiness As Medicine"
"Happiness As Medicine" Summaries Weeks 21-24
FRESH MED U: Re-FRESH-er's Week 25
FRESH Week 25": Stayin' FRESH!
"The FRESH Five" Re-FRESH-er: Week 1
"The FRESH Five" Re-FRESH-er: Week 2
"The FRESH Five" Re-FRESH-er: Week 3
"The FRESH Five" Re-FRESH-er: Week 4
"Food As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 5
"Food As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 6
"Food As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 7
"Food As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 8
"Relaxation As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 9
"Relaxation As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 10
"Relaxation As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 11
"Relaxation As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 12
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" by Julie Graham. Letter Y
"Positively Psyched" Re-FRESH-er Questions Letters A-M
FRESH: "Happiness As Medicine" Newsletter Week 5
FRESH MED U Re-FRESH-er's Week 26
Week 26: Getting "Certified FRESH"!
"Exercise As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 13
"Exercise As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 14
"Exercise As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 15
"Exercise As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 16
"Sleep As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 17
"Sleep As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 18
"Sleep As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 19
"Sleep As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 20
"Happiness As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 21
"Happiness As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 22
"Happiness As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 23
"Happiness As Medicine" Re-FRESH-er: Week 24
"Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology" by Julie Graham. Letter Z
"Positively Psyched" Re-FRESH-er Questions Letters N-Z
FRESH: "Happiness As Medicine" Newsletter Week 6
Book: "Positively Psyched: The ABC's of Positive Psychology"
Julie Graham's "Positively Psyched: The ABC's Of Positive Psychology" Book!
"Certified FRESH" Certificate of Graduation!
You Are "Certified FRESH"!
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
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